by Stephen Mullan | Jan 6, 2021 | Recommendations
The things we watch, listen and read really do matter because they become the things we think about, and our thought-life always shapes our real-life. The problem is, we often don’t give our minds much good to think about. One of the best things we can do early...
by Stephen Mullan | Jan 4, 2021 | Bible Class Prep
Hi everyone ? We want to really encourage you to take some time during the week to read the passage and write down your thoughts to the questions. Prep for next class Stephen’s Group: This week, we’re going to have think about a prophet called Jeremiah, who...
by Stephen Mullan | Dec 30, 2020 | Bible Class Prep
Happy New Year folks! We’re sad that we won’t be able to meet in person for Bible Class for the next 6 weeks, but we hope that this blog will encourage you to do more thinking and learning in your own time, as you get serious about seeking the truth and growing in...
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