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Free Bible Software

Free Bible Software

Are you looking for Bible software that will run on your computer, laptop, tablet, phone or iPad. The Olive tree software is excellent. You can start off with a number of Bibles and resources which are free but then you can also purchase a huge number of Bible tools...
Listen Online

Listen Online

Many people appreciate listening to the Bible being read. Alexander Scourby is one of the best readers available and you can listen to him reading from the Bible by clicking...
Commentary on the Gospels

Commentary on the Gospels

J.C. Ryle’s commentary on the Gospels is published online and is a great help in studying the Gospels. One of his famous quotes is that no man was ever sorry that he served the Lord. No man ever said at the end of his days, “I have read my Bible too much, I have...
Things for Thinking (April 22nd)

Things for Thinking (April 22nd)

Reminder: Take some time to prepare for our next classes here. And now, here are some things worth thinking about:  The Whole Bible is About Jesus (Read) “Contrary to popular belief, the Bible is not simply a collection of ethical principles, moral platitudes,...