You can check out the readings and prep questions for this Sunday’s classes here 🙂
And here are a few things worth taking the time to think about:
The Way of the Exile
(Video) This animated video fits in well with my group’s current study in Daniel. “If followers of Jesus are to give their total allegiance to God’s Kingdom, how should they relate to the governments and power structures of their own day? In this video, we’ll see how the experience of Daniel and his friends in Babylonian exile offers wisdom for navigating this tension.”
Remember our Chains: The State of the Persecuted Church
(Long Read) This is a longer article, but a very interesting read. It shines light on the suffering of Christians today and reminds us of how easy we get it. It should cause us to praise God that he is able to save even in the most unlikely places. It also makes me ask the question: If I was in their situation, would I show the same devotion?
Moving to University
(Short Read) I know some of you are currently considering your next step after school, and for some, university may be where you are headed. Others are already at university – although it hasn’t quite been what you’ve expected. I think this is a helpful article about finding friends and knowing God’s provision in university. I like this sentence at the end of Emily’s article: “Being on the other side of university now I can truly say that, of all the friendships I formed during this time, my relationship with Christ is the most important.”
Ancient Mesopotamia 101
(Video) Here’s another video to supplement our studies in the Major Prophets. It gives some background to the Babylonians and more broadly the region of Mesopotamia, which is a key part of the Bible narrative. For example, Abraham came from Mesopotamia and the most powerful kingdoms during the days of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel were from that region too.
And here’s an upcoming series of online events that you might be interested in attending:
Virtual Youth Series