Hi everyone 🙂 Here’s the prep for Sunday!
Prep for next class
Stephen’s Group:
Over the next two weeks, we’re going to look at the prophet Daniel.
Read: Daniel 1:1-8 and Daniel 6:1-11
Think: What was Daniel put under pressure to change? Have you experienced pressure from other people to change your beliefs, image or actions?
Jeffrey’s Group:
Our next lesson is called ‘The Lord of the Harvest’
Read: Matthew 9:35-38; 10:1-15; Mark 6:30-52
Think: The Lord sends his apostles out on a mission – their first experience out on their own. When they return, they are immediately faced by two more experiences: the feeding of the 5000 and the Lord walking on water. What lessons do you think the disciples were learning through all these circumstances? Can you see any theme that connects them? Think especially about how they are being prepared for their future service as apostles.