Hi everyone 🙂 Hope you all have a good week. Know that we’re praying for you – and do feel free to send us any special prayer requests!
Prep for next class
Stephen’s Group:
We’re half way through the Major Prophets. Next up is Ezekiel – another young man, like Jeremiah, who God called to be His spokesman. One of the big themes of Ezekiel is God’s presence or “the glory of God”.
Read: Ezekiel 8:1-16, 10:18 (a description of the sinful city of Jerusalem) and 48:35 (the description of a future city)
Think: Imagine if God came down today to dwell in your neighbourhood. What do you think would happen?
Jeffrey’s Group:
Next week we are starting our new series ‘Discipling the Disciples.’ Over five weeks, we’ll look at how Christ taught his twelve disciples through words and experiences, preparing them to be the Apostles, the leaders of his Church.
Read: Matthew 4:17-22; Luke 5:1-11; John 1:35-51.
Think: ‘Follow me’ wasn’t the first experience these disciples had of Christ. How do you think Christ prepared them for this question? What had they seen and heard that made them obey?