Remember to check out the key readings for our next classes here.
Here are some things worth thinking about:
The Limited Power of Accountability
(Short Read) “You may have heard of accountability. It means getting other Christians to keep a close eye on us and make sure we’re living as we should – living a holy life. It’s a really important part of Christian discipline. But is is enough on it’s own, or is there something more that we need?”
Feminine Beauty and Masculine Strength
(Long Read) By Kevin DeYoung: “God made us as men and women to act like men and women. The more we see in nature (partly) and in God’s word (mainly) what it means to be men and women, the better our marriages, our children, our churches, and our society will be.”
The Fear of Death and the Death of Fear
(Short read) Another post from Paul McCauley: “Someone has said that this world is a dangerous place – you won’t get out of it alive. Death is a reality we all must face, and yet, so many bury their head in the sand, and refuse to think about it. It doesn’t have to be that way. The fear of death can be replaced by the death of fear.”
Isaiah 40
This is one of my favourite chapters in the Bible. When we get a sight of the incomparable power of God, it should amaze us – even terrify us. But for those who are trusting God for salvation, his power should be the greatest comfort imaginable. I love the imagery of the hands of God in these verses: the same hands that span the universe, hold us in love.